Marching Band
What advantage is there to custom written music?
Imagine having the ability to produce a halftime show about whatever you want. All you have to do is pick the concept. You give us as much or as little insight you’d like and we’ll run with it to put together a competitive halftime show. With our custom written music package, you are able to ask for specific instrumentation needs. No matter the size or ability level of the ensemble, we can write you a show that creates excitement and sets you up for a successful season.
How is music pricing determined?
The cost of all of our prewritten shows is $2,000. The cost to commission your own custom show is $4,000. All commissions include percussion writing. Commissioning any specific concept is subject to our design team’s approval.
Can you modify existing music to fit my ensemble?
Yes! We will be happy to modify anything in the score you need. For example, if you would like another trumpet part, we can simply write one for you. If your students can’t play a high C, we can change it for you. No problem at all.
Is your music available in SmartMusic?
Of course! We would be happy to convert any of our music into SmartMusic files. It is actually a very simple process, and a great tool for directors to use.
How long does music take to be written?
Our timeline varies depending on volume. Typical turnaround time for an entire show is about 4 weeks. This includes wind and percussion music. If percussion music is not desired, then the time is cut to around 2 weeks. In April or May, this will usually be less. Well-written music takes time and space is limited.
I have weak sections in my band. Can you write accordingly?
Yes! We will do our best to accommodate your ensembles specific needs. We will gladly commission your music to specific range, instrumentation or technical ability.
Do you arrange music?
Yes! We will be happy to! However, you are responsible for obtaining all copyrights, permission to arrange, etc. This is to be taken very seriously. We will not be held responsible or knowingly work for any client who does not obtain the necessary clearance from a publisher. The time it takes to attain all copyrights and permissions varies from publisher to publisher. Please plan accordingly. Upon request, CounterMotion can secure these permissions for you and the cost will be added to the total price of the music.
Who owns the copyrights to the music on your website?
All the music posted on our website is completely original. Copyrights are owned by CounterMotion Inc.